ECrater Store Ouroboros

Jan 22, 2012

It's time to get fat for the winter!
Don't  ask me to climb that hill.
Look here comes my dinner.
They have served it upon my shield.
It's time to get fat for the winter.
I don't think I'll climb that hill.
What is it you say?
It's time to march to battle today?
It's time to take the field?
All that din and the clatter,
Some one bring me my platter.
Oh look it's already filled.
I think I'll stay behind.
The hogs, the foul and the cattle to mind.
It's time to get fat for the winter.
That's something I don't mind.
Oh where is the Lord of the manor?
It's time to plow the field.
The Lord of the manor is in his house
Drinking up last years yield.

Its time to get drunk for the winter.
But don't ask me to pay the bill.
Oh look here comes my dinner!
Be careful it's easily spilled!

So what do ya say to a round?
All that rich, foamy, dark ale.
Quick some one bring me a pail.
Too late! I'll just lie on the ground.
Open my mouth.
And pray that I'm not drowned.

Oh where is that dragon?
It must be slain
This is the last flagon
And he's burned all the grain.

Oh who will slay the dragon for me?
I'll invite you to dinner you'll see.
I fear I can no longer mount my horse
But if you come to dinner I'll eat every course.

Now we've nothing but wine to drink
That dread full dragon
Oh how he stinks!
He's slaughtered some cattle
and eaten some sheep.
I confess.
I'm finding it hard to sleep.

So the dragon, please kill it for me.
Or at least make friends with the awful beast.
For it's awfully cold in the winter
We'd be glad of the heat.
Aye we'd put him to work
At cooking the feast!

Well I fear
the Earl is here.
He demands food for the army.
Spirits and beer.
But the lord of the manor
he`s not around.
A maid most charming,
he has found.
The pantry is bare to the ground,
And the barrels all empty.
The whole house-hold soused.

Now The Earl he`s pacing
around the grounds
grumbling and muttering
about food to be found.

He looks rather flustered
All huff and bluster
"Now where is the beer?
The spirits?
No time I fear!
The dreadful enemy
Is drawing near!"

So stowing his thumb in his iron breast plate
he turned on his booted heels to make haste.
Calling "Double time men!!
The drink has to wait!"
We`ll have em by morning
All in their graves!
We`ll sup with the ravens
And be home the next day!"
Now one small lonely wagon lingers
And a young boy
wringing his fingers.

"Please sir put our dinner in here.
Me and this donkey
We`re to bring up the rear."

He proffers a small bag of coins
Some new, some old
all of them minted of gold.
With an awkward salute
he turns and he goes.

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